Troubleshooting Micro-Tubing Extrusion

Troubleshooting Micro-Tubing Extrusion: Common Problems and Solutions

To create high-quality tubing for medical, research, and other specialized uses, the delicate process of micro-tubing extrusion requires careful control of temperature, pressure, and other variables. Extrusion issues can still arise despite meticulous attention to detail, resulting in decreased production, higher costs, and lower-quality output. We'll go over a few typical micro-tubing extrusion issues in this blog article, along with fixes.

Variable diameter
Micro-tubing extrusion frequently encounters the issue of inconsistent diameter, which can be brought on by a number of things, including changes in the viscosity of the material, die wear, incorrect calibration, or extrusion line misalignment. Finding the fundamental cause of the issue and taking the appropriate action are necessary for its solution. The extruder speed may need to be changed, the die cleaned or replaced, the line may need to be calibrated, and the equipment may need to be properly aligned.

Bad surface quality
Many elements, such as die accumulation, material contamination, or high friction, can contribute to poor surface finish. It is crucial to locate the issue's root cause and take the appropriate action in order to improve the surface finish. This could entail changing the material or lubricant, cleaning or replacing the die, or modifying the extruder's speed or temperature.

Abnormal ovality
Tubing that is out of round is referred to as having excessive ovality, which can lead to issues during assembly or further processing. The wear on the die, poor die design, or uneven cooling can all contribute to this issue. It is crucial to examine the die for wear or damage, confirm the die design, and make sure the cooling process is uniform in order to manage excessive ovality.

Poorly insulated walls
Inadequate wall thickness is a frequent issue that can impact the functioning and performance of micro-tubing. Variations in the viscosity of the substance, die wear, incorrect calibration, or temperature changes can all contribute to this problem. Finding the fundamental cause of the issue and taking the appropriate action are necessary for its solution. This may require calibrating the line, changing the die, altering the extruder speed, or maintaining constant temperature control.

Internal holes or bubbles
During the extrusion process, internal voids or bubbles can appear, leading to flaws that could affect the performance and quality of the tubing. Several things, like poor material flow, insufficient vacuum or pressure, or inadequate cooling, might contribute to this problem. It is crucial to examine the extrusion settings, modify the vacuum or pressure, or improve the cooling procedure in order to solve this issue.

In conclusion, producing high-quality tubing from the extrusion of micro-tubes can be a challenging procedure requiring meticulous attention to detail and problem-solving abilities. Manufacturers may increase production, cut costs, and provide their consumers with better goods by recognizing and fixing typical extrusion issues including inconsistent diameter, poor surface polish, excessive ovality, poor wall thickness, and internal bubbles or voids.

Contact us for solutions to your extrusion problems.  [email protected]